Here are Gage's 6 month pictures. He is such a cute baby. Then again, I may be a little biased. Anyway, these are his OU pictures. His daddy is a huge OU football fan. Therefore, everyone in the household has adapted to that. What a great tradition. The football helmet is from his daddy's football days at Plainview High School. One day, maybe Gage will be a good football player too. The bath pictures show his nickname on his robe. #12 Gage. You see, his daddy, pawpaw, and uncles are huge gun collectors. When we were trying to pick out names before he was born, we kept coming up with gun names. One of us was joking and said how about 12 gauge. Well, then we decided we really liked the name Gage, so therefore, that is where we came up with it. So my mother had the nickname embroidered on the back of his robe. He is a very happy baby and so very sweet and loves to cuddle.